
Best car in beamng drive
Best car in beamng drive

  • Wheel spacing: makes the car's footprint on the ground wider, at the cost of requiring more precise suspension tuning as the wheels will act like levers on the suspension.
  • Toe is one of the easiest things to change to increase or decrease stability play around with this if you want your car to handle well.

    best car in beamng drive

    Rear toe is almost always directed in on rwd cars as it makes them more stable putting power down. Toe: front toe best out on FWD cars, and in on RWD cars.more negative front camber generally helps turn in to corners, whereas in the rear negative camber helps but should not be overdone in degrees as too much rear grip can prevent a car from rotating in a corner properly. The point of negative camber is so that the tire makes full contact of its surface on the road under cornering, since some positive camber is always induced under cornering load, though some suspension systems are better than others at reducing loss of camber here. For road tires anywhere around -1 to-1.5 degrees is good, for race setups around -2 degrees is optimal for most suspension setups, although you will probably find it doesn't have to be exactly -2 degrees. Too little or too much and the wheels wont be using the optimal amount of rubber and wont grip enough in the corner the camber angle is optimally zero at max grip.

    best car in beamng drive

    Negative camber: increases grip in corners, decreases forward grip on powered wheels and braking ability.

    Best car in beamng drive